Preparing for an Emergency

Be Prepared- Make a Home Emergency Kit

Given all the crises we have seen or endured in recent years - the February 2009 windstorm, Hurricane Katrina, Alstead Flood, and flooding in May 2006, April 2007,  December 2008 ice storm, February & March 2010 rain/wind storms; and most recently, Hurricane Irene among many others, it is prudent to make certain you and your loved ones are prepared for natural and manmade disasters.   Additionally the winter season will soon be upon us, and being ready for storm-related power outages or other emergencies can be important to you or your family.  A home emergency kit can be invaluable in an outage, especially if power is likely to be out for an extended period of time.  

Following are some ideas for your kit

  • BASIC NEEDS:  portable radio, flashlights, spare batteries, candles, matches or a lighter, wind up or battery alarm clock, moist towelettes/baby wipes, freezer ice packs (keep them in the freezer all the time so they’re ready to use, large cooler or ice chest, sleeping bags or blankets, warm, dry clothing, first aid kit, personal hygiene supplies, baby supplies including diapers, pet supplies.
  • WATER:  If you know a storm with the potential to cause outages is coming, fill containers with water, including your bathtub.  Separate water for drinking from that for other uses.  Flush toilets sparingly with a bucket of water.
  • FOOD:  Plan on a 3 to 5 day supply for each member of the family, including your pets.  This can include:  canned or freeze-dried meats, vegetables and fruits, instant foods, foil pouch products, and pet foods.
  • Lastly, the following can make life easier without power:  manual an opener, disposable plates, cups and eating utensils, a camp stove and fuel.
  • WINTER NEEDS: Rock salt to melt ice on walkways  Sand to improve traction, Snow shovels and other snow removal equipment.  

More information on readiness is available on the FEMA website and the NH website emergency management section.  You can also visit the federal government's emergency-preparedness website , which has a wide variety of resources, including Checklists, Communication Plans, Children's Website, more Emergency Kit Ideas, Information for Special Needs Populations, and Caring for Pets in a Disaster.