Application and Public Hearing Information

Map 6, Lot 11-1-23 - 59 Vetter Drive - Req uest for Variance - Public Hearing April 23, 2024

Applicant James Rogers is seeking a Variance from Article 9, Section 901 (Lot Requirements, New and Expansion of Existing Structures) of the Fremont Zoning Ordinance to construct a garage with a loft and breezeway attached to his home. A variance is required since the new structure will extend into the side property lot line where a setback of twenty (20) feet from the property boundary is required

06-11-1-23 Variance Request Application and Site Plan
6-11-1-23 Legal Notice
6-11-1-23 Notice of Decision

Map 2, Lot 151-2 - 44 Iron Horse Drive - Request for Special Exception - Granted November 28, 2023

Applicant Fremont Land, LLC of Fremont NH has submitted an application for Special Exception to install solar panels withing the 100-foot wetland setback at a commercial property located at 44 Iron Horse Drive in Fremont NH having a parcel identification of Map 2, Lot 151.002. The proposed solar array will be installed 50-feet from the wetlands. Permitted uses in this area do not include installation of structures, including solar panels, so the Applicant has applied for a Special Exception in accordance with Article 12 Section 1201.8 of the Fremont Zoning Ordinance. 

Map 6, Lot 24-13 - 59 Sleeper Circle - Req uest for Variance - Granted October 24, 2023

Applicants Walter O. and Connie Ike Phelps of Fremont NH are seeking a Variance from Article 9, Section 901 (Lot Requirements, New and Expansion of Existing Structures) of the Fremont Zoning Ordinance to construct a shed fourteen (14) feet from the side property lot line where a setback of thirty (30) feet is required. 

06-24-13 Legal Notice

Map 007, Lot 016 - 74 Tibbetts Road - Request for Variance - July 25, 2023 - Granted

Applicant William Casazza of Fremont NH. The Applicant is seeking a Variance from Article 9, Section 901 (Lot Requirements, New and Expansion of Existing Structures) of the Fremont Zoning Ordinance to place a shed ten (10) feet from the front property boundary where a setback of thirty (30) feet is required. 

07-016 Legal Notice

Map 003, Lot 056-016 135 Spaulding Road - Request for Variance - Public Hearing - Tuesday, February 28, 2022 - Withdrawn

Applicants Jessica and Daniel Cloutier are seeking a Variance from Article 9, Section 901 (Lot Requirements, New and Expansion of Existing Structures) of the Fremont Zoning Ordinance to expand their existing home to include a garage and family room. The proposed home addition would expand to a distance of 17 feet from the side property boundary where 30 feet is required.

005-055-003- 366 Beede Hill Road - Request for Variance - Public Hearing - June 28, 2022 - Granted

Applicants Roy and Susanne Tewell are seeking a Variance from Article 9, Section 901 (Lot Requirements, New and Expansion of Existing Structures) of the Fremont Zoning Ordinance to replace a shed in a location 15 feet from the side property boundary where a setback of 20 feet is required.

005-055-003 Legal Notice
005-055-003 Notice of Decision
003-062-001 - Beede Hill Road - Request for Variance and Appeal for Waiver - Public Hearing - June 28, 2022 - Granted

Applicant Woodman Family Revocable Trust has submitted applications for a Variance Request and Appeal of Administrative Decision. The Variance Request is to the terms of Article 9, Section 902 of the Fremont Zoning Ordinance to construct a single-family residence on a 6.8 acre lot, designated as Map 3, Lot 62-1, utilizing an access easement across Map 3, Lot 62 to Beede Hill Road. The existing lot has no road frontage where 200 feet of frontage is normally required. The Appeal is to request a waiver to allow a building permit to be issued for a lot that has no frontage on a Class V road pursuant to RSA 674:41 II.

003-062-001 Legal Notice
003-062-001 Notice of Decision Waiver and Variance
005-004-013 - 43 Midnight Sun Drive - Request for Equitable Waiver - Public Hearing - May 24, 2022 - Granted

Applicant Brenda Thomas is seeking a Waiver of Dimensional Requirements from Article 9, Section 901 (Lot Requirements, New and Expansion of Existing Structures) of the Fremont Zoning Ordinance to replace a 12 feet x 16 feet shed on an existing foundation located 15 feet from the side property boundary where a setback of 20 feet is required. The subject property is located at 43 Midnight Sun Drive, Map 5, Lot 4-13 in Fremont NH.

005-004-013 Legal Notice
005-004-013 Notice of Decision

002-044 - 6 Danville Road - Request for Special Exception - Public Hearing - May 24, 2022 - Granted
Applicant Jitendra Patel is seeking a Special Exception under the terms of Article V, Section 503 (Expansion of Non-conforming Structures) to expand the roof of an existing non-conforming structure. A portion of the proposed roof expansion intrudes into the side setback. The subject property is located at 6 Danville Road, Map 002, Lot 044 in Fremont NH.
002-044 Application and Site Plans
002-044 Legal Notice
002-044 Notice of Decision

006-035 Martin Road - Variance Request - Public Hearing - April 26, 2022 - Granted

Applicant Three Maples Renaissance Corporation of Rochester, NH is requesting a Variance to the terms of Article 7 of the Fremont Zoning Ordinance to permit the New Hampshire Renaissance Faire to take place annually for two (2) weekends in May on a residential property. Said property is identified as tax parcel Map 6, Lot 35, owned by the Scott and Brenda Barthelemy Revocable Trust, and is located on Martin Road in Fremont NH.

001-071-001 South Road - Special Exception Request - Public Hearing - February 22, 2022 - Granted Applicant Joseph Falzone of Manchester, MA has submitted an Application for a Special Exception to construct a single driveway with utilities to access a buildable upland area on a recently subdivided property having a parcel identification of Map 1, Lot 071.001 which is located on South Road in Fremont, New Hampshire. The proposed driveway will impact 9,567square feet (0.22 acres) of Watershed Protection Area (Fremont Zoning Ordinance Article 12, Section 1201.5). Permitted uses in this area do not include altering the surface topography, so the Applicant has applied for a Special Exception in accordance with Article 12 Section 1201.8 of the Fremont Zoning Ordinance.
001-071-001 Application and Site Plans
001-071-001 Legal Notice
001-071-001 Notice of Decision

002-070 Liberty Lantern Estates, Main Street - Special Exception Request - Public Hearing - January 25, 2022 - Granted

Applicant Haus Emily, LLC has submitted an Application for Special Exception to the terms of Article 12 Section 1201.8 of the Fremont Zoning Ordinance for the impact to Wetlands and Watershed Protection District to construct a roadway, drainage structures and ditches in a wetland buffer. The proposed structures will support a 13-unit Elderly Open Space project located at Map 2, Lot 070 on Main St in Fremont, New Hampshire. The construction of the proposed structures will impact 1,847 square feet of a wetland buffer.

002-001-018 70 Thunder Road - Variance Request - Public Hearing - October 26, 2021 - Granted

Applicants John and Valerie Ferris are seeking a Variance from the terms of Article IX, Section 901 (New and Expansion of Existing Structures) of the Fremont Zoning Ordinance to allow the erection of a twenty (20) by ten (10) feet shed within the thirty (30) foot side property line setback.

002-001-018 Legal Notice
002-001-018 Notice of Decision

002-105-029 57 Kelsey Drive - Variance Requests - Public Hearing - October 26, 2021 - Granted for House; Continued for Shed to November 23, 2021; Site Walk November 7, 2021; Granted for Shed November 23, 2021 - Granted

Applicants William and Kelly Loyd are requesting two (2) Variances from the terms of Article XII, Section 1201.5 (Wetlands and Watershed Protection District, Uses Permitted) of the Fremont Zoning Ordinance. The first variance request is to allow erection of a sixteen (16) by twenty (20) feet shed within the 100-foot wetland buffer zone. The second variance request is to secure an after the fact variance for a house that was built within the 100-foot wetland buffer in 2000.  

002-129-002 936 Maint Street - Variance Request - Public Hearing - October 26, 2021 - Granted

The applicant, David G. Blatchford, isseeking a Variance to the terms of Article IX, Section 901 (Lot Requirements, New and Expansion of Existing Structures) of the Fremont Zoning Ordinance to allow the expansion of the existing garage to add a second garage bay. This expansion would result in the intrusion of 138 sq. ft. of the structure 12 feet into the side set back where 20 feet is required from the property line. 

002-129-002 Legal Notice
002-020-004 11 Currier Lane - Variance Request - Public Hearing - July 27, 2021 - Granted

The applicant, Robert H. Roy, isseeking a Variance to the terms of Article IX, Section 901 (Lot Requirements, New and Expansion of Existing Structures) of the Fremont Zoning Ordinance to allow for the expansion of an existing structure (porch) 12 feet into the rear property setback. The subject property address is 11 Currier Lane and is located on Map 002, Lot 020-004 in Fremont NH..  

002-020-004 Application and Site Plans
002-020-004 Legal Notice
002-020-004 Notice of Decision

002-067 695 Main St - Special Exception Request - Public Hearing - May 25, 2021 - Granted

The applicant, Patricia Kelly, is seeking a Special Exception from the terms of Article V, section 503 (Expansion of Non-conforming Structures of the Fremont Zoning Ordinance to allow a 120 sq. ft. expansion on their existing non-conforming structure (home) located within a watershed protection area to build a larger porch with a covered roof to protect the entrance.  

007-006 34 Tibbetts Road - Special Exception and Variance Requests - Public Hearing - May 25, 2021 - Granted The applicant, Joseph Seluk, is seeking a Special Exception from the terms of Article V, section 503 (Expansion of Non-conforming Structures); and Variances from the terms of Article XII, Section 1201.5 (Watershed Protection District) and Article XII, Section 1203.8.C (Maximum Lot Coverage) of the Fremont Zoning Ordinance to allow a 36 sq. ft. expansion on their existing non-conforming structure (home) located within a watershed protection area.

002-070 Main Street Townhomes - Variance Request - Public Hearing - March 23, 2021 -  Denied

The applicant, Densen Construction Inc, is requesting a variance for a property located at Tax Map 2, Lot 70 located on Main Street. The variance is requested from Article 9, Section 903.D and Article 12, Section 1203.8.A.2 for the purpose of constructing two (2) occupied structures on a single lot. The intent of the project is to construct two (2) occupied structures, each consisting of nine (9) townhomes, on a single lot. 

001-082 Scribner Road Open Space Preservation Development - Special Exception Request - Public Hearing - January 26, 2021 - Granted The applicant, Haus Emily, is seeking a Special Exception which is required for the impact of Wetlands and Watershed Protection District for the construction of a roadway and drives for access associated with the subdivision. The intent of this project is to construct an 8-Lot Open Space Preservation Development. The site is located at Tax Map 1 Lot 82 on Scribner Road.

003-037-3 Spaulding Road Variance Request - Public Hearing - January 26, 2021

The applicant, PPM Fremont Holdings LLC, is requesting a variance for a property located at Tax Map 3, Lot 37-3 on Spaulding Road. The variance is requested from Article 9, Section 903.D of the Fremont Zoning Ordinance to permit more than (1) one occupied structure on a alot. The Applicant is proposing two (2) occupied strutures. The intent of the project is to construct a project contianing five (5) residential units in (2) buildings. The two units to be constructed consist of a three (3) unit residential townhouse style building and a two (2) unit Sober House.

002-014-2 46 Scribner Road Variance - Public Hearing - Granted June 23, 2020
The applicant, Joshua and Heather Witcomb, request a variance, pertaining to Article 12 Section 1201.5, to construct a 33 feet diameter above ground pool 40 feet from a wetland when a 100 foot setback is normally required. The site is located at Map 2 Lot 14-2. The address is 46 Scribner Road.
002-014-2 46 Scribner Road Variance Request