Town’s Right-of-Way

Please be reminded that the Town’s right-of-way is 50 feet wide on most town roads. 

The right-of-way generally extends 13 feet from the pavement on either side.

Obstructions in the Town’s right-of-way are not permitted. Plantings, mulch, trees, rocks, and decorative pavers, loam, seed, fences or stone walls ARE NOT PERMITTED. These structures of any size obstruct drainage from the roadway and cause other road problems. The high amounts of winter snow will cause added drainage and runoff issues this spring. Please help keep the ROW area clear. Also any work to be done in the Town ROW needs a permit to assure there will be no change to the drainage.

RSA 236:15 states that any building, structure or fence within or over any highway is a public nuisance. Please do not place any such items in the right-of-way as they are subject to being removed by the Highway Department. 

During the winter season, the snowplows need the right-of-way area for snow storage and drainage.