Fremont Historic Facts & Figures

Date of Incorporation  1764
Date of First Settlement  Circa 1730
Former Town Name:  Poplin (Name changed to Fremont on July 8, 1854)
Origin of Present Town Name  In honor of John Charles Fremont, prominent American West Pathfinder and first Republican Presidential candidate in 1856
Area in Square Miles:  17.2
Area in Acres:  11,004
Prinicipal Rivers, Lakes & Ponds   Exeter River, Piscassic River, Loon Pond, Spruce Swamp
Largest Bodies of Water in Town: Loon Pond in Shirking Woods (in the very northwest part of town), and Cavil Mill Pond on Scribner Road
Highest Elevation:  Whittier Hill -  321 feet high above sea level
Population Figures
1767 - 521             1790 - 493
1800 - 408             1820 - 453
1840 - 429             1860 - 579
1880 - 624             1900 - 749
1910 - 622             1920 - 519
1930 - 571             1940 - 634
1950 - 698             1960 - 783
1970 - 993             1980 - 1333
1990 - 2576           1994 - 2786
2000 - Census 3510           
2010 - Census 4283
Voter Registration: As of August 2014 - 3,062 Registered Voters
Historic Landmarks:
1800 Twin Porch Meeting House - 464 Main Street.  One of only two like meeting houses in New England and the only one in New Hampshire.
Cavil-Turner Mills, Scribner Road.  Old shingled sawmill built circa 1740-1753.
John & Andrew Brown Gunshop - Main Street.  Circa 1845 gunshop used by two noted NH gunsmiths.