Fremont Food Pantry

The Fremont Food Pantry is a free, confidential service offered to Fremont residents in need of nutritional assistance.  We partner with the NH Food Bank to provide this service to the town. 

The Fremont Food Pantry is open twice a month on the 1st Friday from 9-10 am and the 3rd Wednesday from 6-7 pm.  No appointment is necessary.  

The pantry provides staples items including:  Pasta, Soup, Rice, Tuna and canned vegetables.  We also provide when available: Frozen Meats, Bread and Household items for your kitchen, bathroom, and laundry.  For emergency assistance, please call Renee at (603) 244 1404 or Kim at (207) 370 5096.  Anyone who cannot drive can call for an alternate pickup time.  

Donations are taken all year long at the Pantry. You can leave non-perishable food at the Fremont Town Hall during any open business hours.  Please do not leave them outside in inclement weather (too hot or too cold) so that things will spoil.  Grocery store gift certificates are also very helpful and accepted at all times during the year.

For large donations or Food Drives, please reach out to Renee or Kim prior to your event to get approval to drop the items off at the Food Pantry.   All expiration dates need to be reviewed prior to acceptance of the donation.

As always, monetary donations are gratefully accepted and can be made payable to The Fremont Food Pantry and dropped off at the Select Board's Office in the Town Hall, 295 Main Street; or left in the lockbox a the front door, or mailed to the Pantry at PO Box 120, Fremont, NH 03044-0120.

If you would like more information, call Renee at (603) 244 1404 or Kim at (207) 370 5096.  All inquiries to the Food Pantry are confidential.