Prime Wetland Map

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In September 2007 by West Environmental, Inc. (WEI) to document the evaluation of 55 wetlands within the Town of Fremont, New Hampshire.  This is a follow-up study to the WEI study of Spruce Swamp in 2003.  These wetlands were previously identified in the Fremont Wetland Mapping Report (April 2007), also prepared by WEI.  The field work for this evaluation was conducted from February to September 2007 and included the verification of potential prime wetland boundaries.

The full detailed report including aerial mapping, photos, and field forms may be found here. 

The purpose of this wetland evaluation was to gain a better understanding of the wetland resources within the Town of Fremont and to identify wetlands that qualify for Prime Wetland Designation.  Each wetland was analyzed to determine its relative importance within the town and the region.  The information in this report may also be used as a planning tool by town officials to identify and protect natural resources within the community.  The wetland boundaries identified on the aerial photo overlays are for planning and Prime Wetland Designation purposes and are not to be construed as site specific wetland delineations per State of New Hampshire regulations.

The Town of Fremont can utilize this report as the basis for selecting Prime Wetland candidates for designation in accordance with the requirements of RSA 482-A:15 and Chapter Wt 700 of the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (NHDES) administrative rules.  These regulations allow for designation of “wetlands of significant value…because of their uniqueness, fragility and unspoiled character.”

The full report can also be found in hard copy in the Land Use Office at Town Hall.