2024 Proposed Zoning Amendments

Zoning Ordinance amendments Proposals 1, 2, and 3 were moved to the 2024 Town Warrant at a public hearing on December 6, 2023. Zoning Ordinance amendment Proposal 4 was moved to the 2024 Town Warrant on December 20, 2023. For detailed amendment language please click on the links below: 

Zoning Amendment Proposals 1 and 2 Detailed Language
Ballot Questions:
1. Are you in favor of the adoption of Amendment No. 1 as proposed by the Fremont Planning Board for the Fremont Zoning Ordinance as follows: to change all references to “elderly” housing throughout Article 13, Section 1301 to “age-restricted” housing and to change all references to “elderly” citizens or residents to citizens or “residents aged 55 years and older”? The Planning Board Recommends this Article 5 to 0
2. Are you in favor of the adoption of Amendment No. 2 as proposed by the Fremont Planning Board for the Fremont Zoning Ordinance as follows: to modify Article 13, Section 1301.2 (General Standards) to remove the explanatory note and revise the name of the state agency that provides housing estimates used to calculate the total number of dwelling units allowed in Fremont in subparagraph B; and to clarify how to calculate the number of bedrooms allowed if the development is located partially within the Aquifer Protection District in subparagraph C? The Planning Board Recommends this Article 5 to 0
Zoning Amendment Proposal 3 Detailed Language
Ballot Question:
3. Are you in favor of the adoption of Amendment No. 3 as proposed by the Fremont Planning Board to the Fremont Zoning Ordinance  as follows: to add definitions in Article 4, Section 403 for Self-Storage Facility and Warehouse; and to amend the Table of Uses in Article 7, Section 708 to include the newly defined uses of Self-Storage Facility and Warehouse, and to indicate in which districts they are allowed, under what conditions they are allowed, and in which districts they are prohibited? The Planning Board Recommends this Article 5 to 0
Zoning Amendment Proposal 4 Detailed Language
Ballot Question: 
Are you in favor of the adoption of Amendment No. 4 as proposed by the Fremont Planning Board to the Fremont Zoning Ordinance  as follows: to add Article 15, Solar Ordinance to include definitions, a table of uses for multiple types of solar structures or arrays, and to indicate in which districts they are allowed, under what conditions they are allowed, and in which districts they are prohibited? The Planning Board Recommends this Article 5 to 0